Posts tagged selling a house
Tips on Selling Property Held In Living Trust

You thought you had everything just as you wanted it and then, an unexpected expense came up. Now, you want to sell your vacation home. You can easily liquidate it because its location provides a draw for people. Sure, the buyer’s market for it might exist, but whether or not you can sell it depends on the type of living trust you choose.

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The Whole Basics of Wholesale Real Estate Explained

The process of wholesale real estate is focused on controlling a piece of property by getting it under contract and then selling the contract rights to an investor at a profit. Many of the properties that a wholesale real estate buyer works with are distressed and have highly-motivated sellers.

To be successful in wholesale real estate requires a well-trained mindset and an eagerness to hunt for the next profitable deal. It is important to be self-motivated and take on every task with dedicated effort.

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